Dear candidates
The constantly changing environment makes it imperative to equip managers for new management models. The optimal combination of financial, managerial and technical knowledge forms the identity of modern managers that meet the needs and business challenges in Greek and International business world.
In response to these new challenges, the Executive MBA of University of Piraeus mission is to become a successful incubator for future managers and leaders. It aims to create the next generation managers with high scientific level, according to international professional and scientific standards with a focus on innovation, entrepreneurship and quality.
Crucial role in this direction plays not only the innovative educational curriculum but also the academic staff with professional experience and research and teaching activity in internationally established MBA programs. An important part of the Executive MBA strategy is the existence of long-term partnerships with the business world and the continuous development of synergies.
The EMBA is selected every year by prominent business executives with many years of professional experience in various sectors and areas that want improve their education. This results in a special and unique learning experience that is enriched by the wide range of work background and experience of the students of the program.
Your participation to the Executive MBA program will give you a competitive advantage for your career and success, providing you with the knowledge, skills and tools needed by managers of the modern business world.
If you set high goals for continuous success and honors, the Executive MBA is surely the Master degree program that will help you to achieve them.